A work done in 2001. This is a 8min excerpt from a 55mins work.
A video diary about reflection of sickness and bodies, and experience of travelling. Video footage shot in Hong Kong, Macau, Shanghai, Hangzhou.
看不見的身體 (所以及其城市)
Invisible Bodies (And So The Cities)
DV, 60mins, Pal, Hong Kong,
Cantonese, Chinese and English with English or Japanese subtitle
Sliver Award, Open Category, Hong Kong independent Short Film and Video Awards, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, 2001
- Tomato Grey: 18 degrees of Acclimation, White Box, New York, US, May 2010
- Women and the Post-colonial Hong Kong, Crossing Art, New York, US, May 2010
- The Lab: Anson Mak’s Works 1991-2004, a solo program, organized by Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, Jan 2005
- Asian Video Art Conference, by VIDEOART CENTER Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2003
- Age Of Independents, New Asian Film & Video, 26th Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong, 2002
- Videoart Channel, VIDEOART CENTER Tokyo, Japan, Sep 2002
- IFVA programme in Hong Kong Arts Centre and Hong Kong Science Museum, Hong Kong, 2002