Never Cross a River Twice
Single channel moving image, HD, Color + B&W, Stereo, 45'
Original Format: HD/4K Digital Video, Super 8 Film, B&W Film Photography
戶外首映 Outdoor premiere screening
4.5.2019 (Sat) 1900
戶外放映暨藝術家座談 Outdoor screening with artist talk
11.5.2019 (Sat) 1930
講者 Speaker: 麥海珊 Anson Mak, 黃小燕 Phoebe Wong
25.5.2019 (Sat) 1930
講者 Speaker: 麥海珊 Anson Mak
牛棚藝術村戶外空間 Open Area, Cattle Depot Artist Village
This work explores the notion of disappearance, memory, and ways of seeing. Footage taken in India in January 2019 is juxtaposed with footage and photographs taken in Yue Man Square, Kwun Tong (Hong Kong) at 2019 and ten years ago. The essay film looks into the phenomenon of disappearance as representation through lens-based media in which, we examine the ways to connect; reflect on ingrained thoughts, and revisit emotions. We see ourselves through (and the awareness of) sound and image as a representation of actuality, going back and forth between the states of loss and rediscovery. When a river, a busy town centre, or even the boundary of the rule of law could disappear altogether, perhaps, it is the best time to look at our own mind more clearly.